Krste Sokolov
COUNTRY : North Macedonia
CITY : Kavadarci
STRUCTURE TYPE : Public body
STRUCTURE : Municipality of Kavadarci
FUNCTION: Tourism and Heritage department

Main tasks

The main task of my work is the involvement of the entire cultural heritage in the function of the development of tourism.
My main task is to locate the entire heritage located in the territory of my municipality and thereby taking the necessary steps for its protection or restoration, all with the aim of placing the cultural heritage as one of the basic factors for the development of tourism in my municipality.

About us

The vision is to preserve all that is left from our heritage (buildings, churches books,items, personal belongings) and use that as a tool for development of a tourism program that will help of attracting foreign and domestic tourist whit a sole purpose of preventing the heritage from being destroyed and on the other hand making the heritage more suitable for development of tourism.
– Secondary education : hotel tourist technician ;
– Faculty education ;
– Saint Cyril and Methodius University – Tourism Management ;
– Master’s Degree in International Tourism.
– Member of the team for Local economic development at municipality of Kavadarci ;
– Competent assistant in the project implementation Support of SME-small, media entreprises supported from UNDP ;
Activities : Info support to the local stakeholders for the benefit from the project, technical assistant in application form for applying for credit loans, technical assistant in preparation of business plan sustainability.
– Member of the board for planing and realization the region manifestation Tikves Vintage Festival as well as member of the board for planing and realization of the Wine festival and fair of Wine and Agriculture ;
– Competent assistant for sustainable economic growth for the Municipality of Kavadarci and Tikves region in sectors : Wine tourism,Agriculture, planing, promotion of the traditions, costumes and culture of the municipality and region.
– Assistant of planning development of sustainable action plans of wine tourism development.

Current projects

– 3D Virtual museum of the municipality of Kavadarci, which contains all the cults and natural monuments of the territory of the entire municipality ;
– Installation of information boards on the village houses with photography and text about the past and present.


The heritage is the ID of my nation and a tourism development tool for our Nation and municipality.


Using the acquired experience, especially the experiences that gave results where the heritage helped for the development of tourism. As well as sharing my experience on the topic of cultural heritage and tourism.