expert platform



Since 2000, Sites & Cités remarquables de France has been developing international cooperation projects focusing on the role of heritage and old town centers in territorial development, one of the Association’s key priorities. Forums, meetings and training weeks have led to numerous exchanges between professionals. To reinforce these exchanges, Sites & Cités remarquables is proposing to launch an international network of heritage professionals , “Sites & Cités international”.

Specific objectives :

  • Facilitate and encourage the exchange of innovative ideas, experiences and best practices in asset management;
  • Capitalize on experience and promote the development of effective measures for sustainable heritage management ;
  • Increase accessibility, availability and dissemination of information on heritage initiatives and projects in different regions, thus strengthening regional networks.
  • Build an international community of heritage professionals;
  • Encourage inter-regional partnerships.

"The work carried out at international level by S&C since its creation has led to the creation of a network of professionals specializing in old city centers and neighborhoods, whether in terms of heritage, urban planning, economics, tourism, social issues or adaptation to climate change. The aim of the international S&C platform is to provide them with a tool for exchanging experience and knowledge, presenting projects, building new partnerships, and for all of them to strengthen and enhance their expertise in the service of towns and territories".