Join the community

Becoming a member of the Sites & Cités International platform enables you to participate in the life of the network, i.e. :

  • Contribute to the content of the website (current or completed projects, publications, events) ;
  • Discuss topics of interest with other professional and expert members of the platform in the forum area;
  • Publish job offers in the heritage sector;
  • Participate in online events.

Who can become a member?

If you are an expert or professional in, or related to, the heritage field, you have the opportunity to become a member.

To ensure the legitimacy of each new site member, a validation committee made up of experts will meet every 2 months.

How can I join the Sites & Cités international network?

To have your profile published in the member directory :

To find out if you’re eligible to join our network and have your profile published on the site, please send us your CV using the form below.
We will then review your application and if it is in order, we will e-mail you a form to complete so that we can have the necessary information to add your profile to the Sites & Cités International website.

If you would like to join this network, your profile and work will be published on the website.

To create a “member” account and have access to the document database and the forum, without having your profile published in the directory :

To create your account, simply go to the “MEMBERS AREA” tab and fill in the information requested in the “New user” box, then click on “Register”. You will then receive an e-mail confirming the creation of your account, with your username and provisional password.

Remarkable Sites & Towns of France association

The Sites & Cités remarquables de France team is made up of a dozen people who work at the association’s head office. It is divided into several sections to cover all the themes addressed.

  • Urban planning, heritage and sustainable development
  • Tourism, communication, heritage and events
  • Heritage and international cooperation.

Sites & Cités remarquables de France is based in Bordeaux, France at the Musée d’Aquitaine.

Remarkable Sites & Cities of France
Musée d’Aquitaine
20 cours Pasteur
+33 (0)9 72 49 97 06


Marylise ORTIZ

General Manager


Project Manager
“Heritage and International Cooperation


Junior Project Manager
“International Cooperation and Heritage Development