KEITA Boubacar
CITY : Ségou
STRUCTURE TYPE : Public body
STRUCTURE : City of Ségou
FUNCTION: Project coordinator

Main tasks

– Information/awareness-raising on the maintenance and enhancement of earthen architecture
– Preparation and organization of meetings in the Somono district and in Ségou
– Coordination of actions in Ségou: preparing meetings, making appointments, following up meetings, relaying French partners to institutions…
– Working in synergy with all the players involved in promoting and enhancing earthen architecture.

About us

Passionate about nature, history, fairy tales, beliefs of all kinds, ancient civilizations, other cultures, ancient monuments, innovations and inventions, technology.
My vision of heritage is one that is shared, not fixed, not backward-looking, not museified, sustainable and that harmoniously combines the past, the present and the future.
I’m interested in heritage and :
– The environment
– Sustainable development
– Climate change
– Protection and enhancement of heritage and old towns
– Job creation
– Managing and protecting heritage in a conflict zone.
– 2003-2007: Enrolled at Collège Coopératif AIX-EN PROVENCE and obtained the Advanced Diploma in Management of Social Development in Urban Areas.
– 1978-1982: Entry to the Institut des Travailleurs sociaux and award of the Diplôme de Technicien des Travailleurs sociaux.
– 1977-1978: Lycée Prosper KAMARA- Bamako.
– 1968-1977: Fundamental studies (1st and 2nd cycle).
– From 1984 to 1994: Head of the local Social Development department in : Bankass, Kita, Kéniéba, Kayes
– 1994-2000: United Nations volunteer in Guinea-Conakry for the Programme d’Appui aux Initiatives de Base.
– 2001-2003: Program and Strategy Officer at the Poverty Reduction Division of the National Directorate for Social Development – Bamako
– 2007-2023: Responsible for monitoring the implementation of twinning/decentralized cooperation activities between the towns of Angoulême and Ségou
– 2006 to present: Coordinator of the Projet Patrimoine de Restauration du Bâti en Banco financed by Sites & Cités remarquables de France.

Current projects

– Monitoring maintenance of restored Somonoso islands
– Neighborhood meetings
– Participation in Ségou-city Tours activities
– Participation in setting up a “Jardin Culturel des Jeunes de Ségou” project
– Promoting and enhancing earthen architecture
– Conflict prevention and management.


Matériel, immatériel et naturel.


– Asset management in times of security crisis
– The contribution of heritage to conflict resolution
– The contribution of heritage to urban development
– Heritage – environment – climate change, greening and sustainable development
– Challenges and solutions to the maintenance and use of older buildings.