Zoran Altiparmakov
COUNTRY : Republic of N.Macedonia
CITY : Bitola
STRUCTURE TYPE : Public body
STRUCTURE : National Institute for preservation of monuments and museum
FUNCTION: Engineer of Architecture – Advisor conservator for protection sacral architectural heritage, archaeological sites and forts

Main tasks

Protection of cultural heritage, project engineer of projects of conservation and restoration of immovable cultural heritage, supervision of conservation and restoration of buildings, manager of project implementation, urban planner for protective conservation urban plans.

About us

The protection, preservation and presentation of immovable cultural heritage as a lasting value, based on universal principles for future generations.
– University “Sts.Kiril i Metodij” – Skopje, R.Macedonia, Architecture Faculty, Dept. of Urban planining;
– Additional training, Specialisation – Professional education of architects for protection of monuments of culture organized by the National Institute for Monuments of Culture – Sofia, the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture in collaboration with Centre des Hautes Etudes de Chaillot – Paris. Sofia, 2002 – 2004.
26 years of work experience, professional work on about 200 projects :
– Technical Committee member, as Architect Expert for evaluation of full Proposals of the Local and Regional Competitiveness Project (2017/19) ;
– Director at National Institute for preservation of monuments and museum – Bitola (2015/17) ;
– Member of the editorial board (until 2015), Member of the Board of the Institute for preservation of Monuments of Culture and Museum – Bitola, Member of the Advisory Committee of the institution…

Current projects

– Conservation and Restoration of the Church of St. George in the village of Kurbinovo (XIIc.), Conservation, restoration and presentation of archeological movable and immovable findings from the archeological site Art Gallery YENI mosque (XVIc.) – Bitola ;
– Conservation and restoration of the building Officers’ Home (beginig XXc.) – Bitola, The implementation of the planned measures for immediate protection of the archeological site Heraclea Lyncestis, (III-Vc.) ;
– Conservation and restoration, rehabilitation and revitalization of Kodza Kadi Mosque (XVIc.) – Bitola ;
– Conservation and restoration of the monastery church St.Ilija in the village Grnchari (XIII- XIVc.).


National interest, state treasure and world heritage that belongs to future generations.


Protection, preservation and presentation of immovable cultural heritage, implementation of projects and urban plans.