Alexander Merzlov
COUNTRY : Russia
CITY : Viatskoye village, Yaroslav region
STRUCTURE : Association of the most beautiful villages in Russia
FUNCTION: Chairman

Main tasks

I go on expeditions throughout Russia where :
1) I certify candidates according to our criteria
2) I proceed to the inaugurations of the previously certified candidates
3) Village monitoring and professional training for local authorities
5) We develop and test inter-regional tourist itineraries through the most beautiful villages.

About us

I work within the framework of the association of the most beautiful villages in Russia. I also head the Center for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas at the Moscow Agricultural Academy. I also work with the Dmitry Likhachev Heritage Institute.
– PhD in Economics
– Research into rural development and the role of culture and heritage
– Involving local communities in sustainable development processes. The last study completed: on the influence of ruralization on the changing role of the village. We are currently completing a monograph on rural heritage at the Dmitry Likhachev Heritage Institute.
2007 – present – Head of the Center for Sustainable Development of Rural Territories at Moscow Agricultural University
2014 to present – President of an NGO “Association of the most beautiful villages of Russia”.

Current projects

I’m going on an expedition with students to the most beautiful villages in the Vologda region as part of the creation of a major tourist route to Northern Russia (4 inaugurations, 6 certifications, professional training).


Le patrimoine offre l’opportunité d’améliorer la vie des populations locales.


Heritage enhancement, gastronomic enhancement of local terroirs, economic assessment of the landscape, solidarity tourism and heritage.