Ghislaine El Abid
COUNTRY : Morocco
CITY : Rabat
STRUCTURE TYPE : Public body
STRUCTURE : Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad
FUNCTION: Project Manager

Main tasks

– Design and evaluation of public policies including the Moroccan diaspora ;
– Promoting links between Morocco and the younger generations of Moroccans abroad by focusing on tangible and intangible heritage.

About us

Fascinated by the management of tourism activities, I began looking into the issue of migration and mobility during my academic career. The central axis of my research has been tangible and intangible heritage, sometimes linked to a territory, sometimes to a collective imagination.
After graduating from two leading business schools in marketing and communications, I’m continuing my academic training with a PhD in geography and political science. Initially, I’m working on the Migrations, Tourism and Development triptych at the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne, co-directed with CERI Sciences-Po Paris.
My current doctoral research focuses on the analysis of the migration-development dytic and the mobilization and mobility of diasporic skills.
Senior civil servant with 15 years’ institutional experience in migration issues and public policy analysis and evaluation. Tangible and intangible heritage are central to preserving the links between the Kingdom and its diaspora.

Current projects

I’m currently involved in the post-earthquake emergency reconstruction project following the tragedy that struck Morocco on September 8, 2023. A Royal appeal was launched to mobilize all Moroccan skills, both at home and abroad. I’m working on the mobilization of Moroccan skills worldwide.


Patrimoine matériel et immatériel, mémoire, transmission.


I’m interested in the question of preserving heritage through ancestral means of renovation, but also in the public policies that need to be put in place for institutional preservation. I’m interested in sharing best practices.