Mateo Estrella Durán
COUNTRY : Ecuador
CITY : Cuenca
STRUCTURE TYPE : University, Other
STRUCTURE : University of Cuenca // Turisconsulting
FUNCTION: Technical director – teacher

Main tasks

– University: teaching, research and the link between university and community
– Turisconsulting: structuring heritage tourism projects.

About us

Mateo Estrella Durán, Cuenca-Ecuador (1975). Passionate about Ecuador and spreading its cultural and natural riches.
I have worked in various areas of public and private management, particularly in the tourism sector.
I live in Cuenca, a heritage city that has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1999. A tireless and curious traveler, I’m interested in various aspects of history, geography, anthropology, numismatics and the social sciences in general.
A lawyer and tourism and hotel management technologist, I hold a master’s degree in tourism destination management from the Universidad Oberta de Cataluña, a master’s degree in sustainable tourism planning and management from the University of Jaén and a master’s degree in anthropology from the University of Cuenca. I was a Humphrey Scholar at Pennsylvania State University in the United States and a DAAD alumnus in Germany.
Areas of specialization: tourism destination management, service excellence, quality systems, customer satisfaction, strategic management, real estate management, competitiveness, higher education administration.
– Currently advisor to the Ministry of Tourism, specializing in investment, connectivity and regulatory affairs;
– Full professor at the University of Cuenca, which he joined in 2004 and where he served the Faculty of Hospitality Sciences as founder, first dean, professor and researcher in several fields;
– Co-author of several books and academic articles on tourism. I have directed and participated in several consulting and research projects in the field of tourism, both in Ecuador and abroad, particularly with regard to the management and competitiveness of tourist destinations;
– I have held a number of public and private positions, including Vice-Minister of Tourism for Ecuador from 2000 to 2003, and was Vice-President of the Ibero-American Society of Tourism Law; -Professionally, I’m director of Turisconsulting, a firm specializing in technical, financial and legal consultancy for projects and business initiatives in the tourism, hotel and gastronomy sectors.

Current projects

Private tourism projects, tourism destination management, service excellence, quality systems, customer satisfaction, strategic management, property management, competitiveness, higher education administration.


Une fenêtre sur nos racines qu’il faut utiliser pour pouvoir mieux les préserver.


Using heritage to develop private tourism projects. Project financing. The role of the public sector in promoting the appropriate use of heritage.