Sourtcheva Kirova Cveta
COUNTRY : France
CITY : Paris

Main tasks

Architecture and the circular economy, culture and tourism, regional governance and innovation.

About us

In my opinion, tangible and intangible heritage is essential to know and share as part of its promotion and transmission.
I had the opportunity to run workshops with architecture students, during which I saw the need to formalize methods and techniques for safeguarding and rehabilitating heritage. I’d like to continue these actions in my home country, Bulgaria, as well as in the Balkans, to build up a committed community, particularly with elected representatives and NGOs.
A qualified architect in France, I began my career with a degree at Sofia University of Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Architecture.
Specialized in the rehabilitation of old districts through post-graduate training, I have been involved for over 20 years in consultancy, regulatory support and work execution.
I worked for an associative network (SOLIHA), as head of the Habitat and Hygiene department of the town of Saint Ouen, and then for the Agence Nationale de l’Habitat in the Expertise and Public Policies Department, in the Studies, Observation and Evaluation Department, on issues relating to the technical quality of rehabilitation and operational engineering.
As a teacher for 5 years at ENSA Paris la Villette in the Sciences and Techniques for Architecture department, I was able to collaborate with Sofia University and carry out 5 workshops at the request of local authorities in Plovdiv, Gabrovo, Stara Zagora, Tsarevo, Malko Tarnovo and Strandja Park.
Currently a doctoral student, I’m working on the inclusive city, the circular economy and self-building in overseas territories. I’m interested in creating economic value by thinking about construction and rehabilitation techniques, as well as the production of bio-sourced materials.

Current projects

I’m working with SCRF to qualify the additional costs of comprehensive renovation projects, which include energy efficiency, restructuring and architectural enhancement work in older neighborhoods. The aim is to find ways of financing these operations in a more balanced way, to avoid discouraging private owners and investors in our heritage.


Héritage, identité et trésor à sauvegarder pour les générations.


Site identity, skills and know-how, transmission and promotion of best practices in project governance, heritage and tourism.