Jacques Barou
COUNTRY : France
CITY : Grenoble
STRUCTURE : CNRS University of Grenoble-Alpes – NGO Tétraktys
FUNCTION: CNRS Research Director / Vice-President TETRAKTYS

Main tasks

– Development of the Nyafunké megalithic site Mali
– Diagnosis of heritage sites along the Abraham Trail in Palestine
– Enhancing the intangible heritage of Eastern Senegal
– Identification of six heritage elements in the West Bank to be studied.

About us

Trained as an anthropologist, I have been working on migration and interculturality since the early 1970s. Since the 2000s, I’ve been tackling the question of heritage and its role in the construction of cultural identities.
Holder of a master’s degree in philosophy, a diploma in urban planning, a master’s degree in sociology, a diploma from the Institut National des Langues et civilisations orientales (National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations) in the Africa department, a doctorate in ethnology and a habilitation to direct research.
– VSNA at the French cultural center in Fez (Morocco), project manager at the State Secretariat for Immigrant Workers, ethno-sociologist technical advisor at Adoma (formerly Sonacotra).
– Center d’ethnologie française Paris, CERAT Grenoble Unité Mixte de Recherche PACTE Grenoble alpes
– Member of the NGO Tétraktys as vice-president in charge of cultural and heritage issues, lecturer at the University of Paris IV Sorbonne and at the Institut d’études politiques de Grenoble.

Current projects

I’m working on the contribution that the maintenance and enhancement of tangible and intangible heritage can make to development, in conjunction with other vectors such as responsible tourism, access to water and health, in various fields: Eastern Senegal, Palestine, Lebanon, Colombia and Argentina.


Le patrimoine est l’avenir de la modernité.


How can intangible heritage inspire contemporary artistic practices without losing its meaning?