Sites & Cités remarquables de France organized a Mission Ecuador – Colombia.

The French delegation was made up of the Sites & Cités team, Anne-Laure MONIOT, project manager for Bordeaux Métropole, Richard TYLINSKI city councillor for Draguignan and Béatrice LEFEL and Steve JULLIEN city councillors for Elbeuf-sur-Seine.

The delegation visited Cartagena, Villa de Leyva, Paipa, Sogamoso in Colombia and Quito in Ecuador. In each of these towns, workshops on heritage and tourism were organized.

The trip encouraged meetings and exchanges between representatives of French cities and partners from project member cities in Colombia and Ecuador.

Subsequently, these links will enable us to follow the progress of the pilot projects that will be implemented with each of the project’s partner cities over the next two years.

On the programme: field visits to understand and analyse the problems of each city and workshops on the themes of the pilot projects:

  • Heritage awareness
  • Revitalizing historic city centers
  • Digital heritage enhancement
  • Promoting crafts, gastronomy and producers
  • Promotional strategies for heritage destinations
  • Developing inclusive and sustainable tourism.

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