Identity card

  • Population: 2,600,000
  • Surface area: 423,074 ha
  • Region: Pichincha
  • Country: Ecuador
  • Contact: (link to member area)
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Architectural and landscape typologies

Quito’s historic center covers an area of 320 hectares. We can find :

  • 24 colonial churches, 7 convents, 26 museums, 6 chapels and 6 monasteries.
  • 4250 Inventoried buildings
  • 45 tourist attractions inventoried

Different architectural styles can be found in this historic center: Gothic, Mudejar, Baroque, Neoclassical, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, among others.

In the town, you can also enjoy several manifestations of intangible heritage such as: traditional crafts, the concentration of religious activity “Semana Santa”, gastronomy and culture.

Tourism supply and demand typology

In recent years, Quito has become a major national and international tourist destination. Its positioning in the tourism market has been managed as part of its strategic planning process and the development of competitive strategies.

Quito Turismo, the metropolitan public tourism destination management company, has implemented various communication, promotion and advertising actions and strategies to achieve its goal of positioning the destination in its priority markets.

The country’s cultural wealth is largely concentrated in Quito, whose most visited attractions are the churches, convents, heritage houses and monuments of the historic center, which is particularly popular with foreign tourists, mainly from North America, Europe and the rest of South America.

The city of Quito, according to its main economic activities, its connectivity, and the range of establishments, tourist attractions and travel facilities reported by the GEOVIT platform, has a vocation as an international city of business, leisure and relaxation.

Heritage and tourism issues :

  • Poor use of public space
  • Tráfic
  • Insecurity
  • Informal work in tourist resorts
  • Unused assets.
  • Depopulation.
  • Gentrification.
  • Poorly aligned competencies between public and private players.

Pilot project

  • Revitalization of Rue La Ronda