Sites & Cités and the city of Draguignan organized a study trip for a Colombian delegation from June 19 to 21, 2023.

The delegation was welcomed by Richard Strambio, the town’s mayor, his deputies, and the town and agglomeration departments.

Our Colombian partners, Josue Javier Castellanos, Mayor of Villa de Leyva, Janneth SANDOVAL, Secretary of Economic Development for the City of Paipa, and Liliana PEREZ, Head of the Tourism Program of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism of Sogamoso, had the opportunity to discuss with Thierry DALMAS, Director General of Services for the City of Paipa, and Celia REYNIER-AUCLAIR, Director of Tourism and Cultural Affairs for the Dracénie Provence Verdon Agglomération, the actions implemented in the region in areas such as..:

  • Sustainable tourism & tourism flow management
  • Heritage ambassadors
  • Territorial marketing, attractiveness and reclaiming public space.

The aim of these stays is to promote French experience in tourism and heritage abroad, to exchange practices between countries and to promote networking between partner cities.

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