Identity card

  • Population: 14,407
  • Surface area: 870 ha
  • Region: Brittany
  • Country: France
  • Contact: (link to member area)

Architectural and landscape typologies

Dinan is located in the natural setting of the Rance valley, and has preserved its monumental heritage with its remarkable medieval architecture. The town is surrounded by 3 kilometers of ramparts and boasts no fewer than 130 half-timbered houses. Its 14th-century château proudly overlooks the River Rance.

Tourism supply and demand typology

  • An estimated 700,000 visitors;
  • High season from April to October;
  • A dense cultural, tourist and commercial offering.

Heritage and tourism issues

  • Maintain a quality tourism offering by building on the assets of our heritage;
  • Preserve the authenticity that is the major asset of the “Dinan” destination;
  • Adapt and innovate to meet the new challenges of tourism: intimacy/nature/identity.

pilot project
